About Google Analytics Use
We use google analytics to understand user interaction with the website, we have placed a special code on our site to monitor user behavior.
Google services may use and set cookies for the user browser to learn about user demographics and may show personalized advertisements.
We are temporarily using google analytics, and may discontinue using it in the future.
Third-party Tools Use
We may also use third-party tools to monitor user activity and interaction with our site, we may use those third-party tools which do not collect any information but we do not guarantee that.
Collection by our system and technology partner
When you visit or interact with our website then by default your ip address will be visible to us or our technology partners to better serve our services, we do not share your ip with any thirdparty that is not part of our platform, the collection is based on each user session or aggregate of users to better understand the interaction with our platform and to help improve our services.
Your request for Newsletter and Communication
We will collect your submission data and save it for newsletter or contact purposes, the data will include your full name, email address, and about information that you submitted. Your submission request will be single optin and we may include method to unsubscribe from future emails or upon your written request.
Regarding your request from investor form
We will collect your submission data and save it for newsletter or contact purposes, the data will include your full name, email address, about, company information and other information such as but not limited to information related to your request that is filled by you. Your submission request will be single optin and we may include method to unsubscribe from future emails or upon your written request. Investor Form Data may include the the following information such as but not limited to:
Who Are You?
Full Name?
First Name?
Last Name?
Are You An Accredited Investor?
How Much Would You Like To Invest?
At What Post Money Valuation?
Anything else you like to share?
When and How Would You Like Us To Reach You?
Your Phone or WhatsApp Number?
Anything you want to ask us?
Security Test: